The birds now have a nest
29 October 2024 by Eric Calaluca
Latest Research | News | Product Updates | Reference Universe | bird

Every bird deserves a nest, and so here it is.
A year ago, Paratext launched bird: Base Inventory of Research Databases. The response has been fantastic, and many libraries are now using it to make better decisions about their research database collection. But a few questions lingered.
How does our library compare with others? Well, Paratext now has an answer for that--nest.
nest is a new suite of library comparison analytics, built upon the platform of bird. It answers the question, "how do you compare"?
How does our research dB collection compare to peer libraries? To other members of our consortia? To schools of comparable size? Or simply to a library we wish to evaluate? It even shows you title by title: "We have this title, but who else owns it, and who does not?"
In short, nest enhances bird capabilities, offering one-touch peer institution comparisons for real-time benchmarking.
Library directors, collection strategists and subject selectors now have some powerful tools with which to bring refined context and clarity to their collection decisions.
Paratext will premier nest on November 12 at the Charleston Vendor Showcase--table 88, look for the ‘bird’ banner. In the meantime, please visit to learn more.
In addition, small-group demos of nest analytics will begin in mid-November, but space is limited. If interested in dates and times, please drop a note to
...and again, thank you for flying with us,
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