Category: USM Product Updates
Now Available to Search in United States Masterfile: NASA Index to Photograph Files
03 July 2023 by Paratext Editorial

Paratext is happy to announce another recent addition to United States Masterfile: the NASA Index to Photograph Files, 1958-1991. This resource joins the NASA Scientific and Technical Information Repository and the NASA Planetary Data System Digital Products archive in United States Masterfile, giving researchers access to a wider variety of NASA-derived resources than ever before. Providing searchable descriptions of nearly 65 thousand images produced by NASA from the late 1950s to the(read more)
Now Available to Search in United States Masterfile: NASA STI Repository
07 December 2022 by Paratext Editorial

Paratext is happy to announce another recent addition to United States Masterfile: the NASA Scientific and Technical Information Repository. A resource containing over 500 thousand records and counting, NASA’s Scientific and Technical Information Repository contains documents from as far back as the days of NACA to as recently as 2022. The NASA STI repository contains open source reports, technical documents, metadata, videos, sound recordings, and images relating to the past and(read more)
Now Available to Search in United States Masterfile: Founders Online
02 November 2022 by Paratext Editorial

Over the last few months, we at Paratext have been busily adding new data to our products to make them even more useful to your researchers and students. That’s why, we are happy to announce another recent addition to United States Masterfile: Founders Online. A joint project between the National Archives National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) and the University of Virginia Press, Founders Online is a database of the writings and correspondence of John Adams,(read more)
Federal Register, 1994 to Current: Now Available to Search in U.S. Documents Masterfile
18 July 2022 by Paratext Editorial

The entire online publication run of the Federal Register, the official periodical of the United States federal government, is now available to search by U.S. Documents Masterfile users. A publication of the National Archives and Records Administration, the Federal Register has been published online since 1994. U.S. Documents Masterfile contains the full set of online issues of the Register, a corpus of nearly 900,000 records—all with full text online. Within this resource,(read more)
Now Available to Search in U.S. Documents Masterfile: Foreign Relations of the United States Series
13 June 2022 by Paratext Editorial

Paratext is happy to announce another recent addition to U.S. Documents Masterfile: the Bibliographic Metadata of the Foreign Relations of the United States Series. A publication of the U.S. Department of State Office of the Historian, the Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) series is the official record of U.S. foreign policy going back to 1861. Originally contained in 500 physical volumes, the digital version available through U.S. Documents Masterfile links to full text online(read more)
Two New Sources Now in USDM: Compilation of Presidential Documents & U.S. Geological Survey Publications
21 March 2022 by Paratext Editorial

Paratext is pleased to announce two new sources now available to search in U.S. Documents Masterfile: the Compilation of Presidential Documents collection and the U.S. Geological Survey Publications Warehouse index. The Compilation of Presidential Documents is an ongoing collection of documents going back to 1993 pertaining to the day-to-day activities of the office of the President of the United States. Published by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records(read more)
U.S. Census Bureau Discovery API Index Data Added to U.S. Documents Masterfile
04 January 2022 by Paratext Editorial

Paratext is pleased to announce that hundreds of population statistics datasets indexed in the U.S. Census Discovery API Index is now available to search in U.S. Documents Masterfile. These datasets, which span from the mid-1980s to 2021, provide detailed population statistics in a variety of key areas. Among these highly valuable statistics tables, find information on changing demographics, birth/death rates by geographical area, median incomes, languages spoken, ethnicities,(read more)
USDA Economics, Statistics and Market Information System Data Added to U.S. Documents Masterfile
16 December 2021 by Paratext Editorial

Paratext is pleased to announce that the index of publications available through the USDA’s Economics, Statistics and Market Information System is now available to search in U.S. Documents Masterfile. Maintained by Cornell University, the Economics, Statistics and Market Information System (or ESMIS) online index is a clearinghouse for publications produced by agencies within the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Five agencies within the USDA produce the nearly 2,300 publications listed(read more)
NASA Planetary Data Added to U.S. Documents Masterfile
10 August 2021 by Paratext Editorial

Paratext is pleased to announce that datasets from the NASA Planetary Data System are now available to search in U.S. Documents Masterfile. These datasets, found within NASA PDS Digital Products in the USDM source dropdown, give access to primary scientific data pertaining to a wide variety of different fields and disciplines. This material includes data gleaned from NASA planetary missions, laboratory experiments, and Earth-based missions. Find everything from atmospheric data describing(read more)
National Parks Data Now Added to U.S. Documents Masterfile
26 May 2021 by Paratext Editorial

Paratext is pleased to announce that nearly 160,000 records from the National Park Service DataCenter are now being loaded into United States Documents Masterfile. The NPS DataCenter is a clearinghouse for documents related to the functioning of the NPS and its predecessors that has been digitized and made available online. This continually-updated resource contains records of source material from as early as 1774. The DataCenter includes a wide variety of different types of publications(read more)
Improved Display in United States Documents Masterfile
05 May 2021 by Paratext Editorial
Paratext is pleased to announce the new Sources Snapshot redesign in United States Documents Masterfile. Our new tiled system makes this resource more useful in a number of ways. First, the new design makes better use of wide screen space, giving you a clearer, easier-to-parse graphical view of all search results at a single glance. This allows users to easily drill down into a particular contemporary or historical source quickly. Second, View All Records immediately resorts(read more)
Two More Upcoming Webinars: U.S. Documents Masterfile - Overview and Search Strategies
20 April 2020 by Paratext Editorial

Due to the highly positive response to our United States Documents Masterfile webinar last week, we are offering two more sessions for those who were unable to attend the first. Our offer of free access to United State Documents Masterfile through June of this year continues to garner a heartening response from the research and library community. We’re very happy that we can provide a service that both demystifies government documents and provides full-text access to millions of(read more)
Upcoming Webinar: U.S. Documents Masterfile - Overview and Search Strategies
13 April 2020 by Paratext Editorial

We have had a tremendous response to our offer of free access to United State Documents Masterfile through June of this year. We’re very happy that we can provide a service that both demystifies government documents and provides full-text access to millions of government publications in this challenging time. Based on the positive response from libraries, we’re offering a webinar for existing customers of U.S. Documents Masterfile as an added benefit to the library(read more)
U.S. Documents Masterfile Free For All Institutions through June 2020
23 March 2020 by Paratext Editorial

We know there is a lot going on at all of your institutions – working from home, trying to assist your users as best you can, and staying healthy and practicing social distancing. As you are trying to do your jobs remotely, we realize you may not have access to needed indexes to get you and your users to needed content. To assist you with your work, Paratext is pleased to offer access to U.S. Documents Masterfile™ (USDM) to all institutions through end of June(read more)
Redesign of Search Strategies and Other Enhancements to U.S. Documents Masterfile – March 2019
06 March 2019 by Paratext Editorial

Over the last nine months, we have made some exciting new changes to U.S. Documents Masterfile. Searches have been streamlined and more options added, the site layout refined, and metadata cleaned to provide more relevant results with each search. The new USDM is a vastly improved tool for beginner users and seasoned researchers of government documents alike. Take a look under the hood: Search Strategies Results are now arranged by date of publication rather than by(read more)
New Content for U.S. Documents Masterfile, Autumn 2017
09 October 2017 by Paratext Editorial

The Autumn of 2017 brings great new content to U.S. Documents Masterfile: 1774-2018, along with recently deployed new search utilities to improve search results, particularly for non-specialists. The following sources have just been added to U.S. Documents Masterfile. Congressional Bill Summaries, 2013-2017 U.S. Documents Masterfile recently incorporated 26,000 records from the Congressional Bill Summaries of the 113th, 114th, and 115th Congresses, starting(read more)
Data-Planet Datasheets now fully Indexed within Public Documents Masterfile
19 September 2014 by Paratext Editorial

ParatextTM announces that an extensive collection of Data-Planet TM DataSheets is now indexed, linked, and integrated into Public Documents MasterfileTM. Researchers can now query over 150,000 metadata records representing authoritative publicly and privately sourced datasets. Libraries who subscribe to both services can link directly from the search results to Data-Planet’s datasheets, with a visual chart, map, or graph, accompanied by(read more)
Data-Planet Datasheets to be Indexed in Public Documents Masterfile
21 January 2014 by Paratext Editorial

Paratext™ is pleased to announce that it has recently signed an agreement with Data-Planet to index an extensive collection of Data-Planet DataSheets within Public Documents Masterfile™ (PDM). Libraries who subscribe to both properties will link directly from search results into more than 150,000 of Data-Planet DataSheets, complete with a chart, map, or graph, statistical abstract and downloadable data-sets. Public Documents Masterfile users(read more)
See the New Public Documents Masterfile
16 October 2012 by Paratext Editorial

The best search tool for government documents discovery has undergone a transformation.Public Documents Masterfile has a look and feel that’s brand new and enhanced search features to go with it. We’ve kept the basics that make Public Documents Masterfile so valuable to government documents librarians. You can still search for current and historical primary sources, government documents printed by the GPO and beyond, and for a great variety of research(read more)
Public Documents Masterfile Update: SuDoc Numbers, Ames and new ERIC records
10 October 2011 by Paratext Editorial

Public Documents Masterfile customers will be happy to learn that Paratext has added SuDoc numbers, LC card numbers and Item Numbers to many of the citations included in the GPO Monthly Catalog Subject Indexes (1895-1976). Due to this inclusion, all government documents included in this index from 1947-1976 will now be considerably easier to access for Public Documents Masterfile users. Expanding the coverage of historical primary sources, we’ve also just added(read more)
1.2 Million Links to Historical Congressional Documents Now Online within Public Documents Masterfile
07 September 2011 by Paratext Editorial

A deeper awareness of the political mechanisms and motivations of the United States government, particularly during its earliest days, is invaluable for accomplishing a greater understanding of the functions of democracy. Public Documents Masterfileis designed to simplify the process of finding important government documents and thus help promote greater knowledge of how the United States government functions. The Annals of Congress, Register of(read more)
New Content and over 8 million full text links now in Public Documents Masterfile
18 May 2011 by Paratext Editorial

We’ve added the index to the Congressional Globe to the Annals of Congress and Register of Debatesalready found in the Congressional Record file in Public Documents Masterfile, bringing Congressional coverage up to 1867. In addition, we’ve recently updated many thousands of records to federal documents to be discovered via Public Documents Masterfile in the following: Post-1976 GPO Public Documents (1976-current) (read more)
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