Adam Matthew Content Now Accessible via 19th Century Masterfile: 1106-1930
21 June 2016 by Paratext Editorial
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Paratext is pleased to announce that extensive content from Adam Matthew is now accessible via 19th Century Masterfile: 1106-1930.
Adam Matthew, an imprint of SAGE, is an award-winning publisher of digital primary source collections for the humanities and social sciences, covering subject areas from medieval family life to 20th-century history and culture.
Nearly 100,000 links from 33 collections are being added to 19th Century Masterfile’s Image/Media section, broadening research for all historical disciplines.
Among the numerous compelling collections is Popular Medicine in America, featuring a wide variety of material aimed at the general public rather than medical professionals. These materials allowed the non-specialist to treat themselves using an array of inventive methods and fashionable techniques. For the full list of the Adam Matthew pre-1930 collections now accessible in 19th Century Masterfile, see below.
19th Century Masterfile: 1106-1930 continues to grow as the preeminent ‘due-diligence’ historical database for advanced undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral research in all relevant disciplines.
American History; American Indian Histories and Cultures; American West; China, America and the Pacific; China: Culture and Society; China: Trade and Politics; Church Missionary Society Periodicals; Colonial America; Defining Gender; Eighteenth Century Drama; Eighteenth Century Journals; Empire Online; Everyday Life; First World War; Global Commodities; India Raj; Jewish Life in America; Literary Manuscripts Berg; Literary Manuscripts Leeds; London Low Life; Medieval Family Life; Medieval Travel Writing; Meiji Japan; Migration to New Worlds; Perdita Manuscripts; Popular Medicine in America, 1800-1900; Romanticism; Slavery; The Grand Tour; Travel Writing; Victorian Popular Culture; Virginia Company Archives; World's Fairs
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